Why should you visit the new Railway museum?
It was opened in our city in 2017. 180 years ago, the first Russian passenger train brought passengers from Saint Petersburg to Tzar Village . The museum shows how the main transport system of the country formed and developed.
If you are a passionate train lover, this place is your paradise: it’s the biggest railway museum in Europe, a sort of “Technical Hermitage”. You can practice driving a train with the help of the simulator here: enjoy 6 real life scenarios! You will learn how all the machines work. If you come with small ones, there are game zones especially for them. If you finally get bored of trains, you can take a selfie with a sad peasant in the cold carriage or to practice Morse code with a plaster telephone operator. It’s definitely the first museum of this kind in Russia. Be sure you don’t miss the new attraction of Saint-Petersburg.