Peterhof – End of Season Festivities

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One of the most picturesque places in Russia, Peterhof, recently celebrated the official closure of its fountain season. This spectacular performance which became a tradition took place in the Lower-fountain area during mid-September. Based on past experience the organizers decided to have three days of celebration so that
more guests could enjoy the show.

As is usually the case, the performance has a certain theme. This year it will be called ”Dedication to a genius. Sketches about Russian culture.” The show consists of short stories about Russian composers, writers, architects, and scientists. It is still a mystery who the organizers picked but surely it will not be difficult to guess their names during the performance.

In addition, state-of-the-art technology was used to make the show even more striking. 3D video mapping, dimensional sound, and pyrotechnic effects added more festivity to the celebration. The author of the project is the head of the museum, Elena Kalnitskaya, who worked together with Gleb Filshtinskiy, the irreplaceable producer of the show.

However if you missed the official closure not to worry. The fountains will be operating until mid-October and the park is not so crowded. On a nice autumn day it can be one of the best attractions in St Petersburg.