Custom Tour in St Petersburg – Is it worth selecting?

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Custom Tour in St Petersburg – Is it worth selecting?

Did not find the tour you were looking for on the standard list? Custom tour permits you to design your own program. Please choose the museum or/and the sight you want to visit and we will take care of the rest!

There are some cities on our planet which every true traveler has to visit:  Florence in Italy, Paris in France,  Prague in Czech Republic…. we can continue endlessly but the one thing  we know for sure :this  list will be not complete without St Petersburg in Russia , famous  city-museum under the open sky!

Most of the people visit such cities one time in their life, so it is very important to make most of your trip there

Custom tours in St-Petersburg give you the chance to select the places YOU want to visit from the special, CUSTOM TOUR section on our site:

Custom tour in St-Petersburg

If you are not sure in the choice of places for your visit, just let our dedicated manager know about your hobbies and preferences and, basing on them, she will help you to compose the program.

We assure nobody else will be joined to your special tour; but if you want to decrease the price per person we may join other people to your party (from your permission of course); the joined people will follow the program chosen by you.

We can modify your program right on the spot and can converse any questions you have on mind when you are in St Petersburg already.