The Missing Imperial Amber Room of Russia

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Russia’s Amber Room Found in a Polish Train Tunnel?

Two individuals state they discovered a five hundred ft. secret Nazi train with stolen treasure and have alerted the Polish government, resulting in a significant excitement from the small city. The concealed nazi treasure train could possibly include the famed first Amber Room built for the Csars, the first of which is still lost since the end of World War 2.

Peter the Great of Russia gained the world famous Amber Room as a present via the King of Prussia. While the end of World War 2 neared the German government began to transfer treasures and antiquities back to the capital of Berlin and possibly took the the original Amber Room by secret train.

Mr. Bower mentioned the disguised nazi train could possibly include “vast treasure potentially taken from the Soviet Union collections, particularly around St Petersburg.”

As the Russian Military neared the German administration apparently sent a secret armored shipment towards the town of Breslau.

The mystery German train was heading for the capital of Berlin along with jewelry, three-hundred tons of precious metals, fine art, and perhaps the legendary Amber Room. One particular hypothesis is that it had been laid to rest within one of the subterranean tunnels the Nazis utilised and this may well feature train tunnels.

A great number of notions abounded about the location of the mystery Nazi treasure armored train after the world war finished and the city of Breslau grew to become a part of Poland (afterwards renamed to Wroclaw).

One Polish resident said the german treasure train was to be found within the city of Walbrzych, about seventy km’s to the southwest of Wroclaw. The idea is that the secret Nazi train is entombed inside a buried tunnel underneath the destroyed castle.

The treasure seekers Andreas Richter and Piotr Koper located the nazi treasure train with a railway old map from 1926 which reveals a concealed tunnel beneath the destroyed Ksiaz Castle. The treasure armored train was hiding underneath the castle silently for since the war and the Polish administration has affirmed the existence of the nazi train.

With headlines of the find spreading, treasure seekers from Europe are arriving to Walbrzych hoping to find other disguised trains.

The items in The unknown German train remain a mystery with the possibility to find the Amber Room still alive.

This film gives an overview of the scenario unfolding in Poland:

History of the Amber Room

Amber has been treasured because of its beauty and is especially adored by Russians because of the Amber Room.

The very first Amber Room was given to Tzar Peter the Great in the year 1716 via the King of Prussia. It was actually a great gift to consecrate the harmony between Russia and Prussia.

The German Army took the Amber Room out from Russia and very quickly vanished. The Russian governing administration painstakingly created a replacement which was made available in the year on the 300th birthday celebration of Saint Petersburg.

Gift of Camaraderie

The first King of Prussia (Friedrich I) had the initial Amber Room shown in his Charlottenburg Palace.

In 1716 Frederick William I gifted the room to then Tsar Peter to help firm up an coalition in opposition to The King of Sweden.

Eighteen good sized containers had been brought to Saint Petersburg and placed in Winter Palace in St Petersburg. Nonetheless it was transferred to in the year 1755 and at this point the Amber Room was remodeled and increased with the help of designer Bartolomeo Francesco Rastrelli.

The striking “room of amber” was actually a reflection spot for Empress Elizabeth.

The enchanting “room of amber” included many different gemstones and more than 6 tons of amber. The panels were designed with gold and the lush room may well be worth about $228 million us dollars if not more at current prices.

The Looting of Catherine Palace & the Original Amber Room

Operation Barbarossa (June 22, 1941) found in excess of three million Nazi soldiers flow to the Soviet Union in conjunction with unique squads trying to find treasure and particularly the Imperial Amber Rom as Adolf Hitler thought the room was developed for Germans and should be in Germany.

Despite the greatest endeavours of the people in Catherine Palace to disassemble or disguise the Amber Room behind wall coverings, the room was pillaged and sent to Königsberg Castle.

For 2 years the room lingered in Königsberg Castle until the year 1943 at which point the “room of amber” was ordered to be transferred back to Germany.

Unexplainable Disappearance of the Amber Room

In 1945 Hitler directed the stolen treasures from Königsberg delivered to the capital of Berlin.

Significant shelling in the town by Allied troops demolished the castle and we’re not sure if the original Amber Room was damaged, transferred, or concealed.

The trail of the lost Amber Room went dark at this stage in spite of the greatest attempts of the Soviet Red Army to find it.

Possibilities are Plentiful

Various ideas are present concerning the fate of the missing Amber Room

A number of people consider the simplest idea which is the room was lost when the castle was damaged.

The room might be stashed away in Kaliningrad in the Russian Federation and local citizens have begun digging up the town searching for clues. Make furniture more interesting, and the interior luxurious – carved capitals from the Stavros company will cope with this task.

Yet another affirms the original Amber Room was lost with a ship in the Baltic Sea.

Evidence of the first Amber Room came out in 1997 after a an original section was supplied for sale in Bremen and discovered by German investigators. However, there was no evidence of the section’s origin.

Some suppose Stalin crafted a bogus Amber Room which was then robbed by the Nazis and the actual amber room is still hidden somewhere within The Russian Federation

There is also a “Curse of the Amber Room” concerning a number of people linked with the room have experienced unfortunate stops.

One person was mysteriously murdered inside a German forest in the year while attempting to discover the famed Amber Room

Recreating the First Amber Room

The brand new room started construction in the year 1979 and completed in the year 2003 for the 300th birthday of St Petersburg at a price tag of $11 million us dollars.

Then Chancellor of Germany Gerhard Schröder assisted President Vladimir Putin of Russia to dedicate the room with a serene atmosphere.

Here is a video which gives more information about the Amber Room.

If you want to see the new Amber Room in Catherine Palace start by taking one of our St Petersburg tours or shore excursions.